Goodwill was founded in 1902 in Boston by Reverend Edgar J. Helms, a Methodist minister and early social innovator. Helms collected used household goods and clothing in wealthier areas of the city, then trained and hired those who poor to mend and repair the used goods. The goods were then resold. The system worked and the Goodwill philosophy of giving a “hand up, not a hand out” was born.
Forty-six years later, seven men from the downtown Lions Club saw a need for Goodwill in South Texas and chartered what would be Goodwill Industries of South Texas in 1948.
The territory that Goodwill South Texas serves 20 counties*. The corporate offices are located at 2961 S. Port Avenue in Corpus Christi, TX.
*20 Counties Served By Goodwill South Texas
Golden Crescent: Jackson, Victoria, Goliad, Bee, Refugio, Calhoun, Aransas
Nueces: San Patricio, Jim Wells, Duval, Kleberg, Nueces
Rio Grande Valley: Zapata, Jim Hogg, Brooks, Kenedy, Starr, Hidalgo, Willacy, Cameron

About Our Heritage
“Friends of Goodwill, be dissatisfied with your work until every handicapped and unfortunate person in your community has an opportunity to develop to his fullest usefulness and enjoy a maximum of abundant living.”
– Dr. Edgar J. Helms, founder of Goodwill, 1941

Our Mission
To create life-changing opportunities for people with disabilities or other barriers to employment.
Our Vision
Ensure all people, particularly those who are the most vulnerable in our communities, achieve their fullest potential through the power of work.
Our Core Values
• Empowerment
• Public Trust
• Respect
• Innovation
• Quality
• Safety